Wednesday, May 4, 2016


This would be like adding a booster rocket to advertising.


improved berm

trimmed trees

saw mill

metal shop

cutting board business

text cloud app
image cloud app


big bank balance

letter writing app

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


A lot of stuff I want to do would call for lots of very small images on a screen. Of course you would then want to hover over them or tap them or whatever and they would show you other, bigger things.

Nobody is doing this.

feng shui

The way I'm using Feng Shui, it's not about avoiding problems, it's about what I want to accomplish. Now, if I have problems, first, it's probably because of my clutter, but the idea of decluttering is not so appealing to me - I mean, OK, it's appealing, but it's problematic, and why fight stuff? - so, if I have a problem, I do look at my clutter and work with it a little. I try to beautify my clutter. That does work! As far as bigger goals go, I'm gradually working on the whole situation. Period.

Lillian Too doesn't emphasize problems too much. She's suggesting cures, and offering them for sale. It's cool.

my rant

I often point to assumptions about the market for a product as being indicative of the limits on a company's prospects. Thus B to B targeted products that just don't make sense. That's not my major concern, but the obverse is products that could make sense as consumer facing basic goods, but are perversely targeted to "professional" markets. This is completely ubiquitous (on the Web, and in the professions), and it severely undermines both profitability and benefit to the consumer. It is also not an easy problem, but perhaps, by emphasizing it, by strategizing around it, we can, at my company, greatly benefit.


Yes I want to be in charge of and to "own" one of the largest companies in the world, and yes this is because it would presumably make me very rich, and be great for my ego, but it's also because I want to do that kind of good work and provide the kinds of benefits to people that that kind of good work results in.

fundamental constructs

Yes I would like to watch video on the Web for hours and hours a day ... while doing other things. In this regard I think Google Glass makes a ton of sense. (Running power tools? Practice, practice, practice.) (A compact player with a great stand and great batter would also make sense.)

I am having a problem with audio volume on my laptop. Fairly often I can't get enough volume to hear the sound track. This is a blatant design failure and can only be attributed to negligence. Our products should not have such shortcomings.

The beefs go on and on. My video is hanging up right now. I think I would attribute this to having multiple open tabs, but so what? This is engineering stupidity: not incompetence, but a failure to do what should be done. Well, OK, that's a form of incompetence. It doesn't matter! If you aren't up to the job, at least don't claim to be miracle workers.

list manipulations

Theories identify fundamental structures. I'm just making that up.

But, going with that, we find lists everywhere, on the Web, but are rarely offered the opportunity to manipulate those lists using certain of the fundamental constructs of list manipulation.

Implementation on the Web of those fundamental constructs for list manipulation is the kind of change that I think will support the kind of growth in the size of the Web that I have posited.


How big is the Web?

The first Google result is:

How big will the Web be in ten years?

I will make some assertions:

1) The measure of the size of the Web referenced above is not a useful measure.

2) The number of pages on the Web will shrink to a fraction of its current value.

3) The size of the Web will increase to many times its current value.

4) A single company will account for the majority of this growth. 

4 a) This company does not, today, exist.

4 b) A theory of the Web will provide the foundation for this growth.

4 c) It will become apparent that the Web exists for two purposes: i) to create quality of life, and, ii) to promote space exploration.

Monday, May 2, 2016

on screen multitasking

Your calendar should be on screen at all times. Period.

Cotton running shorts. Plastics free outdoor gear.


Amel, I indicated, somewhat out of the blue, on your Blab, that I am looking for a long term (business) relationship. I came away from the Blab - and a dip into your Tweets - with a positive impression. But, as the basis for a long term business relationship, this leaves me on shaky ground. For one thing, of course, it's just an impression. I like acting on impressions a lot, but ... there's a measure of risk. It's not that I feel I am in danger - I can handle that, and mostly I don't feel that way - it's that the idea that we could partner on something is fairly absurd, on the one hand, and on the other, in some way related, is that I am baffled by your activities - how are you able to create so many Tweets, not to mention a Blab show, and what is your revenue model? ... baffling - and, perhaps more to the point, I suspect I will have trouble keeping up. Putting these things together, it seems to me the only possibility of turning my visit to your Blab into a relationship is to act decisively right now. I have decided to start telling people, when I'm networking and meeting new people in business, straight up - if I like them - the scope of what I am working on. I am building - to put it in the most affirmative way that I can - a social media system that will soon be larger by far than all of today's social media together. If you are interested in working on a project of that kind - it would be quite a serious undertaking and implies ongoing responsibilities - I would be interested in corresponding with you more about it. I will add that a serious undertaking with long term responsibilities is a dangerous undertaking, at least, if not properly understood. I acknowledge that. Analyzing that a bit further, the danger is not so much of catastrophe, which is just, in a way, the risk we take, but of finding ourselves undesirably burdened. It would certainly be important to me to take steps to avoid that kind of situation. Have you heard of the idea of a Level Three Business? I ask the question in part to attempt to show - sneaky me - that I've done a certain amount of research ... but Level Three does seem to describe the kind of systematic approach that might make the kind of undertaking I've described workable. I say all of this because the impression I have of you, right or wrong, is that you are serious, thoughtful, positive, and  uncannily capable. If all of this is true, you might be actually able to undertake something in the nature of what I have "described."

I have thought of an example of how Level Three might operate at this stage in the development of a business. We would need to agree that this is a stage in the development of a business, or at least that it could be characterized as such, so that we could identify the kinds of action that are available to us that would not be burdensome and would be maximally productive. To further characterize the nature of this stage in the development of my company, I think I would want to say that I know certain relevant things that you don't have access to, and visa versa. We cannot expect to communicate anything like the whole of what we separately know, to each other, in fact, we need to operate via an exchange of hints and suggestions about these separate realms of knowledge. I think I can interpret things yourself and your co-host were saying as being about not fixating on outcomes, but rather, seeking action, the implication being that action will take us someplace, even if unpredictably, and once we are there we can make a new assessment. This is the kind of process that we might be able to move forward, is what I'm thinking.

I feel I ought to add something else, a piece of my information that might be appropriate, might well be important, to share, that, even though it is very general in nature, is nevertheless a kind of specification. My plan is to immediately build a highly automated revenue system. I will not be more specific than that, but let me differentiate that from the other component of what I have described - a social media system - namely, a public service. The public service provides users with tools to manage communications. As such, it is very broadly purposed, and building it out will be an ongoing process. The revenue component I have conceptualized as a first project is much more narrowly purposed, so, in addition to being a starting place with inherent immediate possible value, as a business, its implementation will be possible with more limited resources. I find, upon rereading, that I need to add some detail, here. Our product is tools for communication, and our first public product must be such a tool, and it must be public. Our first product does implement, in certain specific ways, the principles we are implementing in Social Media, that is, principles of information and communication, including the fundamental principles. It will introduce users to our computing environment, but, gently, without offering a lot of options. Importantly, it promises to be entertaining. It remains to say, having said that, that it is important to me, certainly, that this first project be undertaken within the context of an expressed understanding that the context is a larger purpose.

I'll mention that I am scoping out another possible partner, Mango Apps, to whom this Blog is dedicated. They know nothing of this, and I know nothing of them, really, beyond an impression. I'm taking it slow with my research. Maybe it's laziness, or muddleheadedness, on my part, but maybe it's caution, too. Winning them as partners is an absurd thing for me to contemplate. They're practically a name I've picked from a hat - this is my way - and even a hapless victim, and, moreover, they are big enough to reject me immediately if that's what I'm up to. To turn this absurd notion into a reality will require very strategic thinking, or action. Still, they seem very able, I find myself liking them, and the feeling is holding up, and their focus on screencasting is a very interesting thing. I don't think they understand the full importance of that technology - it scares me that they don't - but their focus on it is the right instinct ... and their prowess in the field is an invaluable thing.

I'm highly amused to be finding leads on Blab. I cornered a poor guy for advice about business - seriously, I'm trying to do better - and he said I need to find a lawyer (for the purpose of writing a business plan). I asked him, then, if he thought I could find a lawyer online, but it really was more of a challenge than a question. Out of sheer orneriness it has been my plan for some time to build my business entirely online. I like, love, impossible problems. I insist on working on them, and regard the possible ones as ... I'm not sure what I want to say ... not uninteresting ... in some way suspect. I'm pretty strongly inclined towards magical thinking, and, I have to say, my life turns out to be something of a miracle. But, I had sort of given up on finding a lawyer ... and then there was Robert Myers on your Blab. We actually talked a bit, via the Chat. So, I have been thinking about how to write something to him. I've made my pitch, here, so it doesn't need to be that.


Sunday, May 1, 2016


Absolute fundamentals.

Building a company allows the builders to share the rewards in a rational way.

The server warehouses people's content. Uploading and sharing are the key consumer facing functions.

The idea that it costs a certain amount to do a certain thing ... users need to be able to transfer funds to us.

an example

It turns out your business model is wrong for me. I knew what your business model is, I just had to think about the implications. I do like your visual design ... quite a bit ... after two visits separated by a long interval ... but it's true I could still be kidding myself ... but I don't think so. I also like one part of your business model a lot, it's just that I don't like the other part of it. But a company's business model is a touchy subject. If I insist that I am correct, or even that my opinion matters in any way - such as to say you will suffer some consequence, if you don't heed my advice, which is not what I am saying - then I don't do you a service, rather, quite the opposite.

By way of explanation, I'm looking for partners, and also clients. I can't say much about the kind of partners I'm looking for so I'll talk about the kind of jobs I'm interested in, which would be consulting jobs.

What I like about your business model - and I'm even just, what, inventing what your business model might be, spinning a yarn about it ... but, that could be worth doing - is the emphasis you place on screencasting as a communication tool. I cannot, however, talk about what I think you should do with the technology, for the reason I gave above, and also for another reason, so I've hatched the idea of telling you about a couple of product concepts - conceived by me.

What if Facebook offered you a graphic of all your friends's birthdays, on a single screen, complete with images and updates. Something's off about that. What I mean is, you would see the twelve months, and your friends's profile pictures arranged in the months (for which purpose a visual algorithm that arranges the days vertically in the months works, in my experience, quite well, as an option), and their profile pictures would be attached to little clouds of notification, profile update, and message icons that could display additional details when hovered over.

In fact, it's my dream to convince Facebook to adopt some one of my ideas. I searched for "how can I get Mark Zuckerberg to read an email?" The reply was "you can't." But, there were also helpful suggestions. My scheme, which has been gradually developing, just like and image forming on the film, is to ask you to share this post.

Or some of my ideas. Listen, I would like to post 50 photos all at once ... every day. Facebook albums aren't quite up to it. I would like to post an album ... what I did today ... every day. Automating that might be ... a chore ... but it's not impossible.

And that's just the beginning - you already get that - that the beginning is important - and then what you do next becomes important. (Thus your stock's magnificent appreciation. By sheer luck I'm - in a very small way - a shareholder.)

Pouring it on thick, but, listen, the proper way to approach it is that everything gets uploaded, straight up, as it happens, or asap, to Facebook. In case there's a question, I don't think the data requirements are the slightest bit relevant. If there's a problem, we can solve it. That's an aside. Your screen, the feed from every camera, the screen from every camera, sound from every camera, all go straight to Facebook (unless you redirect them, which Facebook needs to make sure you are able to do, which means, by the way, making sure you know how to do it).

That, there, is simply fundamental. The Web simply cannot operate until it is implemented. What we have today is Web Alpha. Moving on to Web Beta means making changes.

Web Alpha still derives its structure mainly from the machine, at least, broadly interpreted. As compared to Pre Web, Web Alpha performs an almost infinitely, even perhaps infinitely larger number of operations, and its semantics are much more highly developed, but it's chaotic and erratic. The theory of it has not been articulated. The foundation of theory is linguistics, so, what are the component parts of a construct such as <captures the feeds from user's assorted devices and allows user to view and display selectively the feeds and the resulting archive>?

Friday, April 29, 2016

about first take

I called it first take, but i was looking for TinyTake because I saw it earlier and liked it ... liked its face. I'm really happy I'm still at the beginning, here ... that my journey here brought me back here ... partly just for its own sake ... but, i also get to document it, now.

first view

I am looking at the home page for TinyTake Free Screen Capture App from Mango Apps. I am fairly determined to proceed, but I am afraid. This page is the face of a company. I find it charming and interesting. Its charm seems of a very good sort. Charming and interesting are forms of information, but there is another form of information I am looking for that is evidently present here but difficult for me to make sense of. Let me introduce myself. I am the most annoying person on the World Wide Web. This is because I take an intense interest but I am critical of everything. The list of articles in this screenshot of the bottom of the TinyTake home page looks truly helpful, but I am not willing to wade into it. Here's how a collection of articles like this should be set up: when you go to the first article, there's a next button (that stays on screen when you scroll) that takes you to the next article. This can be extended in that the next button can be a list of articles. The point, though, it to let me read all the articles, just plow through them all, without having to think about the navigation. To describe this another way, it would turn the collection of articles into a book. But this last is a dangerous observation, in a certain sense, and that should be kept in mind when interpreting this suggestion. The safer option is to not interpret the suggestion, until we can discuss it, or, that is, to just interpret literally. Stopped. This is a tester report. I am interested but prevented from proceeding immediately. It's because of my stupidity, but it's also a phenomenon in the industry, and it's a prominent phenomenon.

We need to think about the nature of reading. It's a mistake to think that we should try to always broadcast content that is maximally relevant. It might very well be essential to productivity to emphasize simply broadcasting content (here, for example, a rambling discussion of MangoApps features), voluminously, and let us read that, ignoring the question of relevance and simply absorbing the material.